Remote Expert and Promoter

Location-independent consulting for customers and staff in real time

Remote Expert: a direct line to the product experts

In the framework of a virtual interaction or video conference, CANCOM Remote Expert or Remote Promoter solution connects your customers with specialists with unsurpassed product know-how. The contact is made on-site in the shop or at home through your business’s website or web shop. This provides your customers comprehensive, qualified answers to all of their questions in real time – no matter where in the world the expert happens to be at the moment. The product specialists, for their part, profit from direct customer feedback, which can significantly accelerate the improvement or continued development of products and services. The go-to-market strategy can also be optimized quickly and effectively in this way.

Whatever the focus, the result is a new and extremely effective consulting service that impresses current and prospective customers alike. In addition, the thinly spread experts can be used in a highly efficient manner, serving all sales locations. The integration of specialists into local stores happens in an automated process in the so-called skill-based-routing procedure using telepresence videoconferencing, speech, and desktop-sharing technology. Using best-practice architectures, CANCOM offers validated end-to-end solutions from established manufacturers.

Another interesting business model in this area is the marketing of consulting areas to your suppliers. In this way, you can integrate them directly and sustainably into your sales processes.


  • Tablet, mobile or located at POS
  • individualized app
  • Video conferencing system
  • Display mount, kiosk system
  • Cabling
  • Network technology such as LAN, WLAN, and UMTS

Advantages for your business:

  • high availability of expert knowledge
  • Information exchange in real time, independent of location
  • extension of customer connections
  • authentic customer feedback
  • Increased efficiency
  • Displays can be used as consulting and advertising spaces
  • Potential integration into client and sales staff apps and interactive digital signage solutions

Advantages for the customer:

  • high availability of expert knowledge
  • Information exchange in real time, independent of location
  • authentic adviser feedback
  • exciting shopping experience

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